Lista de Produções do PPGECO
Nomes em caixa alta correspondem a discentes, egressos, pos doutorandos e docentes do Programa.
CANTOR, M., Chimento, M., Smeele, S.Q., He, P., Papageorgiou, D., Aplin, L.M., Farine, D.R., 2021. Social network architecture and the tempo of cumulative cultural evolution. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B, v.288(1946), p.20203107.
CANTOR, M., Maldonado‐Chaparro, A.A., Beck, K.B., Brandl, H.B., Carter, G.G., He, P., Hillemann, F., Klarevas‐Irby, J.A., Ogino, M., Papageorgiou, D. and Prox, L., 2021. The importance of individual‐to‐society feedbacks in animal ecology and evolution. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 90(1), pp.27-44.
Clement, C.R., Casas, A., Parra-Rondinel, F.A., LEVIS, C., PERONI, N., HANAZAKI, N., Cortes-Zarraga, L., Rangel-Landa, S., Alves, R.P., et al., 2021. Disentangling domestication from food production systems in the Neotropics. QUATERNARY, v. 4, p. 4, 2021.
Cordeiro, C.A.M.M., QUIMBAYO, J.P., Nunes, J.A.C.C., NUNES, L.T., SISSINI, M.N., Sampaio, C.L.S., MORAIS, R.A., HORTA, P.A., AUED, A.W., Carraro, J.L., Hajdu, E., Rocha, L.A., SEGAL, B., FLOETER, S.R. (2021). Conservation status of the southernmost reef of the Amazon Reef System: the Parcel de Manuel Luís. CORAL REEFS, v.40, p. 165–185, 2021.
Coutinho, L.M.; Gomes, F.G; SISSINI, M. N.; Vieira-Pinto, T.; Henriques, M.C.M.O.; Oliveira, M.C.; HORTA, P.A.; Barros-Barreto, M.B.B. Cryptic diversity in non-geniculate coralline algae: a new genus Roseolithon (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta) and seven new species from the Western Atlantic. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY.
CRIVELLARO, M.S., SILVEIRA, T.C.L., Custódio, F.Y., Battaglin, L.C., DECHOUM, M.S., Fonseca, A. C., SEGAL, B., 2021. Fighting on the edge: reproductive effort and population structure of the invasive coral Tubastraea coccinea in its southern Atlantic limit of distribution following control activities. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS, v.23, p.811–823
FREITAS, R.F., BRAUKO, K.M., PAGLIOSA, P.R., 2021. Relationships between mangrove root system and benthic macrofauna distribution. HYDROBIOLOGIA, v.848, p.1391–1407.
Elias, R., Mendez, N., Muniz, P., Cabanillas, R., Gutierrez-Rojas, C., Rozbaczylo, N., Londoño-Mesa, M.H., Contreras, P.J.G., Cardenas-Calle, M., Villamar, F., Laverde-Castillo, J.J., and BRAUKO, K.M. 2021. Los poliquetos como indicadores biológicos en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. MARINE AND FISHERY SCIENCES, v.34(1), p. 37-107.
KOERICH, GABRIELLE ; COSTA, GIULIA BURLE ; SISSINI, MARINA NASRI ; Ortiz, Carlos Lopez ; Canever, Beatriz Feltrin ; Oliveira, Willian ; Tonkin, Jonathan D. ; HORTA, PAULO ANTUNES . Physiology, niche characteristics and extreme events: Current and future habitat suitability of a rhodolith-forming species in the Southwestern Atlantic. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 169, p. 105394, 2021.
Oliveira, R.S., Eller, C.B., Barros, F. V., HIROTA, M., Brum, M., Bittencourt, P. 2021. Linking plant hydraulics and the fast-slow continuum to understand resilience to drought in tropical ecosystems. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, v. 00, p. 00.
QUIMBAYO, J.P., Silva, F.C., Mendes, T.C., FERRARI, D.S., DANIELSKI, S.L., BENDER, M.G., Parravicini, V., Kulbicki, M., FLOETER, S.R., 2021. Life-history traits, geographical range and conservation aspects of reef fishes from the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific. ECOLOGY (Data Papers), p. e03298.
ROOS, A.L., GIEHL, E.L.H., HERNÁNDEZ, M.I.M. 2021. Local species turnover increases regional bird diversity in mangroves. AUSTRAL ECOLOGY.
SUHS, R.B., Somavilla, A., GIEHL, E.L.H. 2021. Weather variables affecting the behavior of insect flower visitors and main pollinators of Erythroxylum myrsinites Martius (Erythroxylaceae). SOCIOBIOLOGY, v. 68, n. 1, p. 5451.
Volk, D.R., Konvalina, J.D., FLOETER, S.R., Ferreira, C.E., Hoffman, E.A., 2021. Going against the flow: Barriers to gene flow impact patterns of connectivity in cryptic coral reef gobies throughout the western Atlantic. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, v.48(2), p.427-439.
ZANK, S., HANAZAKI, N., Melo, C.R., 2021. Gender and ethnic equity: what can we learn from ancestral and indigenous peoples to deal with socio-environmental issues?. ETHNOBIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, v. 16, p. 10.